FVS Weekly Nr. 54

Dear Flexible System Designers, 

I am in the flow, creating lessons for the “Grids as Transformational Tools” course. This week I have spent some time with the triangle and we have established a fruitful relationship. It has been a lot of fun making these different grids and patterns based on the triangle and I can’t wait designing with them. This process is so important. We are generating here a huge custom-made toolbox for future designs. Follow my process here: https://flexiblevisualsystems.info/courses/gridtransform/gridtriangle/

How is going your process? For this or other courses. Would love to see your work on Discord. 

Have a great week!

P.S.: If you are regularly on our Discord channel you might have seen that I shared a free digital copy of the Dynamic Identities bible by Ulrike Felsing. Her book as well the one of Irene van Nes, were the only books talking explicitly about Flexible Visual Identities.