FVS Weekly Nr. 55

Dear Flexible System Designers, 

In Europe, almost everyone is on vacation and I am going to take it a bit slower too. I will spend some time with my family, think about all the good and bad that happened this year, and hopefully draw some conclusions for the next. 

I know already so much. The work I do for www.flexiblevisualsystems.info is at the top of the list of the good things that happened. Still, there are things I would like to improve. I would like us to become a better community. It made me so happy to see some of you engage more on Discord. I would like to see more of it and would like to find out how I can help with this. Let’s see. I am sure we will figure it out. 

This newsletter is not about my New Year’s resolution. I want to share with you some of the results of this year’s Modular Type workshop at Elisava and hope it serves you as an inspiration. Especially the ones that did the Modular Type online course. Here are the results: https://flexiblevisualsystems.info/resources/elisava202324/

I am working with some of the students on an open-source type foundry. In case this happens, I will let you know. All fonts will be for free. We just do this for fun. 

All the best!