Dear Flexible System Designers,
I am back in Hamburg after seven weeks in Barcelona. As always I had such a great time, teaching Data Visualization and Type Design at Elisava, giving lectures at Blanc Festival and We Are Pau, swimming in the sea, and enjoying friends, food, and sun.
There is lots to talk and write about that will expand the FVS curriculum. I have so many ideas that will slowly unfold over the next weeks and months. Today, I have three news I want to share with you:
- I updated the Resources page:
- After having been shown the book Flexible Visual Systems by Pentagram NYC partner Natasha Jen, Barbara Cadorna wrote a beautiful article, explaining the FVS model using Kirby, the Nintendo video game character:
- I started building the FVS Foundation course:
I wish you all a fantastic week!
… and if you have some time, make your fellow patrons and me happy and post something on our Discord channel. A flexible system you saw and liked, a book you read and enjoyed or a work you did and would like to get feedback on.