FVS Weekly Nr. 26

Woop! Woop!

Here it is, the first lesson of the long-anticipated design course “Modular Type — Learn How to Build Flexible Type Systems”!

This is the fourth course I developed for www.flexiblevisualsystems.info!!! To celebrate this milestone I am releasing the first lesson of this course for free for everyone! It is an Amuse Gueule that hopefully motivates you to share my love for systems in type design. Tell everyone! 

Access the first lesson through this link: https://flexiblevisualsystems.info/courses/modular-type/

Really looking forward to seeing your modular-type designs!

While the courses “The CAA Method“, “Systemic Creativity“, and “History Lesson“, as well as all their respective footnote articles and interviews stay accessible to all supporters, the new courses are just for my super supporters.

Have a great week!