FVS Bi-Weekly Nr. 101

Hey! Hope you are doing well!
I had a busy week. Lots of new content is in the making. 🙂

News Nr.1: 
After a year of hard work, The FVS Atlas is finally finished and sent to print. It is going to be beautiful. Viction:ary will publish it at the beginning of next year. In the meantime, I will work on the FVS Atlas page and fill it with additional content. Apart from steadily growing the list of (fv) system designers, I will do case study interviews with fantastic people. (I interviewed Anna Kulachek, Lava, Another Design, and Hilary Greenbaum for the book.) I really believe that this book and page will be a game changer on how FVS are perceived by people unfamiliar with FVS, who sometimes have a very limited perspective on what you can do with FVS. This book will show the true creative potential of FVS. https://flexiblevisualsystems.info/fvs-atlas/

News Nr.2: 
I conducted interviews with the students of the Visual Design Master. The article that will soon be published will show their creative process to design Modular Type. A process that you could emulate for your design process, too, if you want to create a font for a flexible identity system.

News Nr.3: 
I have been working on the Courses page. I renamed it to School of (FV) Systems because this is what I want it to be one day. … and I added the new course a new course that is in the making: Modular Variable Fonts — Emergent Identities With Variable Font Design
Sometimes, learning a workflow can set your creativity free. In this course, I show you my latest workflow when I design modular variable fonts, which I often design when I need to design emergent identity systems. It has all the advantages of a form-based identity system, but on top of that, it is packed in a software that can be installed on any computer, which makes the application of the system very easy. Designing a font is designing a tool. https://flexiblevisualsystems.info/courses/

Have a fantastic week!

P.s.: In my last newsletter, I asked how often you would like to get my newsletter. Some of you wrote me that a bi-weekly newsletter would be sufficient. Thank you for your feedback!