
Let’s keep a long story short. My name is Martin, I am a practitioner, educator, and researcher, specializing in Flexible System Design. In 2021 I published a book, which is now in its fifth edition in English and since 2023 also available in Spanish.

This website takes the content of the books further, offering new online courses, interviews, and articles. On our discord server we are co-creating a friendly community of Flexible System Designers from all over the world, sharing tips, tricks and references. Join us!


Dr. Martin Lorenz (1977, Hanover, Germany) is the grandson, son, and nephew of teachers. His escape plan from this family tradition was to become a graphic designer. 

He graduated from the Graphic Design department at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) of The Hague, Netherlands, after having previously studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt, Germany. While founding the design Studio TwoPoints.Net with Lupi Asensio and raising two boys, he enrolled first in a Master’s Degree and later in a Ph.D. Degree at the University of Barcelona, Spain, writing a doctoral dissertation about flexible visual systems in communication design. 

Martin became a teacher. Since 2003 he has taught at various European Universities. He currently teaches at the Bachelor’s and Masters Degree of Graphic Design of Elisava, Barcelona, the Film Academy of Ludwigsburg, is the Conversational Design Lead at the Not-For-Profit organization Dark Matter Labs, partner of TwoPoints.Net and Coding Systems.

Get in contact with Martin through Patreon or


  • 2021, Flexible Visual Systems, Slanted, Karlsruhe, Available at Slanted
  • 2019, On the Road to Variable, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2015, I Love Type — Collectors Box, Victionary, Hong Kong — Sold out
  • 2013, I Love Times, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2013, I Love Helvetica, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2012, Monograph — Barcelona: A Guide, Creative Review, London, UK — Sold out
  • 2012, I Love Franklin Gothic, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2012, I Love Gill Sans, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2012, Pretty Ugly, Visual Rebellion in Design, Gestalten, Berlin, Germany — Available at Gestalten
  • 2011, Type Navigator, Gestalten, Berlin, Germany — Available at Gestalten
  • 2011, I Love DIN, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2011, I Love Bodoni, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2010, Spanish Advertising Annual, Club de Creativos, Madrid, Spain
  • 2010, I Love Avant Garde, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2010, I Love Futura, Viction:ary, Hong Kong — Available at Victionary
  • 2010, Left, Right, Up, Down: New Directions in Signage and Wayfinding, Gestalten, Berlin, Germany — Available at Gestalten
  • 2010, latino—grafico, Gestalten, Berlin, Germany — Available at Gestalten
  • 2009, Neuland – The Future of German Graphic Design, Actar D, Barcelona, Spain — Available at Actar
  • 2006, The One Weekend Book Series – Graphic Tourism Since Two Thousand And Three – The Collection of Volumes One Through Five, Actar D, Barcelona, Spain — Available at Actar

Current Teaching

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Data Visualization Systems
2023 – Present
Barcelona, Spain
Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Systemic Type Design
2020 – Present
Barcelona, Spain
Master Degree in Graphic Design

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Flexible Systems for Visual Identities & Data Visualization
2020 – Present
Barcelona, Spain
Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Workshop Lecturer for Kinetic Type Design
2020 – Present
Ludwigsburg, Germany

Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Workshop Lecturer for Motion Identities
2020 – Present
Ludwigsburg, Germany

Page Academy
2003 – Present
Hamburg, Germany

Past Teaching

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Design Research
2022 – 2023
Barcelona, Spain
Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design

École Supérieure de Design de Troyes
Workshop Lecturer for Flexible Systems
2022 – 2023
Troyes, France

HfG Offenbach
Workshop Lecturer for A.I. Supported Type Design
Leipzig, Germany

KABK Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
Lecturer for Typographic Systems
2020 – 2022
The Hague, Netherlands

HGB Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst
Workshop Lecturer for Flexible Systems
Leipzig, Germany

UMPRUM Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague
Workshop Lecturer for Flexible Systems
Prag, Czech Republic

Workshop Lecturer for Flexible Visual Systems
Two online workshops. One for the American continent and another for Europe and Asia.

Istituto Europeo di Design
Lecturer for Flexible Visual Identities
2020 – 2021
Barcelona, Spain

Istituto Europeo di Design
Workshop Lecturer for Type Design
Barcelona, Spain

HMKW University of Applied Sciences for Media, Communication and Management
Lecturer for Kinetic Typography
Berlin, Germany

Tipos en su tinta
Workshop Lecturer for Type Design
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

HMKW Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft
Lecturer for Poster Design
Frankfurt, Germany

HMKW Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft
Lecturer for Flexible Visual Systems
Frankfurt, Germany

HAW Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Lecturer for Kinetic Typography
Hamburg, Germany

KW Kunstschule Wandsbek
Lecturer for Corporate Design
2015 – 2020
Hamburg, Germany

KW Kunstschule Wandsbek
Lecturer for Editorial Design
2015 – 2020
Hamburg, Germany

KW Kunstschule Wandsbek
Lecturer for the Basics of Graphic Design
2015 – 2018
Hamburg, Germany

HAW Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Workshop Lecturer
Hamburg, Germany

TGM Typografische Gesellschaft München
Workshop Lecturer
Munich, Germany

Istituto Europeo di Design
Workshop Lecturer for Poster Design
Madrid, Spain

Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Workshop Lecturer for Flexible Visual Systems
Kiel, Germany

Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft undGestaltung
Workshop Lecturer for Flexible Visual Systems
Constance, Germany

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Director of the Postgraduate Degree of Applied Typography
2010 – 2012

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Micro-Typography at the Postgraduate Degree ofTypography
2010 – 2012
Barcelona, Spain

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Flexible Systems for Visual Identities at the PostgraduateDegree of Typography
2010 – 2012
Barcelona, Spain

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Design at the Postgraduate Degree of Typography
2010 – 2012
Barcelona, Spain

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Systems at the Postgraduate Degree of Typography
2010 – 2012
Barcelona, Spain

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Flexible Systems for Visual Identities at the Masters Degree of Branding
2009 – 2011
Barcelona, Spain

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Design at the Masters Degree of Graphic Design
2006 – 2009
Barcelona, Spanien

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Typography at the Masters Degree of Graphic Design
2006 – 2009
Barcelona, Spain

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Flexible Systems for Visual Identities at the Masters Degree of Graphic Design
2006 – 2009
Barcelona, Spain

Elisava Escola Universitària de Disseny i Enginyeria de Barcelona
Lecturer for Systems at the Masters Degree of Graphic Design
2006 – 2009
Barcelona, Spain

Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull
Lecturer and Member of the Board of Examiners at the Masters Degree of Cool Hunting
2009 – 2012

Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull
Member of the Board of Examiners at the Masters Degree for Branding
2009 – 2012

Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
Member of the Board of Examiners at the Masters Degree for Branding
2009 – 2012
Barcelona, Spain

Instituto Europeo di Design
Lecturer for Visual Identities
Barcelona, Spain

HSB Hochschule Bremen – City University of Applied Sciences
Workshop Lecturer
Bremen, Germany

Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam
Workshop Lecturer for Visual Communication
Rotterdam, Netherlands

IDEP BARCELONA Escuela Superior de Imagen y Diseño (UAO)
Lecturer for Visual Communication
2006 – 2007
Barcelona, Spain

IDEP BARCELONA Escuela Superior de Imagen y Diseño (UAO)
Lecturer for Poster Design
2006 – 2007
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

HFG Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach
Lecturer for Illustration
2006 – 2006
Offenbach, Germany

MSD Münster
Workshop Lecturer for Illustration
Münster, Germany