This system was designed by Fabienne Plangger. She participated in the Flexible Visual System Workshop in Winter 2021.

“I really much liked Martin’s Workshop as I wanted to hear more about FVS from his perspective and be drawn into this universe of flexible guidance. With my system I started off actually totally different, like the way I normally work: I followed strictly the rules and tried to make everything fit. Seeing all the other participants who somehow found their own system within the system made me change my mind and start over again. I created a flexible grid which I filled with shapes that are extracts of squares and circles. So the shapes are repetitive but the grid always changes and therefore the artwork.”
Fabienne studied Graphic Design & Photography in Linz, Austria and moved right after to Barcelona where she did an internship at TwoPoints.Net. Through the last 8 years she was working as a designer & art director in various agencies and studios, like DDB Barcelona or Hey Studio.